Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us.

You can edit the text in this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. 

Please check your spam box for our replies. We ALWAYS reply in a timely fashion, usually within an hour or so during business hours, so if you have not received an answer to your contact request, it is likely in your junk mail. We have had incidents where a customer thought we were not responding to their contact, because their junk mail filters had redirected our email.
You may also include a current phone number, as a means for us to contact you regarding your order.

17080 Masonic
Fraser, MI, 48026
United States


Battle-Ready, Functional Art Weaponry by Michigan Bladesmith, Christian Michael Sam.
Lifetime Warranty

51811 seattle 0096.jpg

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us using the envelope icon, on the top-right in the banner, of every page of our site.

I monitor our messaging very regularly, 7-days a week, during waking hours, Eastern Standard Time, and I am typically very prompt to respond.

Thank you!



We are located in southeastern Michigan. We monitor our messaging very regularly, 7-days a week, waking hours, Eastern Standard Time.

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you!


Other Locations - Events We are Featured at

Michigan Renaissance Festival each year
mid-August through the end of Sept.

Our shop is behind the northwest corner of the joust field, just east of the Tree Top Stage.

Michigan Nordic Fire Festival
Last 3-day weekend of February

Our blue and gold Underhill Pavilion tent is the first artisan tent visable as you enter the patron entrance gate, to the right.

Motor City Comic Con
Mid-May Event